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History: The Last Things Before The Last
Kracauer, Siegried , Kristeller, Paul Oskar
Subject: European History
“The late Siegfried Kracauer was best known as a historian and critic of the cinema. His main intellectual preoccupation during the last years of his life was the relation between past and present, and the relation between histories in different …
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Human Drama Series, Volumes I through IV
Johnson, Jean and Donald Johnson
Subject: Text Books, World History
In this four-part series, the authors present the development of humankind across cultures and economies, in a global manner from ancient times on, as a gigantic drama played out with the cradles of civilization as the stage. The past involves …
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Ibn Battuta in Black Africa
Ibn Battuta, Abu Abdalla (edited by Said Hamdun and Noël Q. King)
Subject: Africa, Middle East, World History
Abu Abdalla ibn Battuta (1304–1354) was one of the greatest travelers of pre-modern times. He traveled to Black Africa twice. He reported about the wealthy, multi-cultural trading centers of the African East coast, such as Mombasa and Kilwa, and the …
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La Indianidad: The Indigenious World Before Latin Americans
Horna, Hernán
Subject: Latin America
Among the few historical documents by or about early Native American history are pre-Columbia Mayan manuscripts and stone glyphs, and documents written in Spanish by Indians and Mestizos from the Andes and Mesoamerica in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The …
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International Guide to Accounting Journals: Second Enlarged Edition
Spiceland, J. David and Surendra Agrawal, editors
Subject: Accounting
This volume is the most comprehensive national and international guide to accounting journals available. It is an indispensable directory for researchers who are looking for publication possibilities or for sources and an extraordinary reference book for librarians. It covers about …
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