Preliminary Matter
Foreword (Felix Matos-Rodríguez)
Preface (Ethel Ríos Orlandi)
1. Introduction: Issues and Choices Facing Caribbean Institutions of Higher Education — María Josefa Canino
Part I: The Transformation of Caribbean Higher Education
2. The Political Economy of Higher Education in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization: Latin America in Comparative Perspective — Carlos Alberto Torres and Daniel Schurgurensky
3. The Caribbean University: Integration Challenges — Luis A. Ramos
4. The Historical Background of Higher Education in Puerto Rico — Rafael Irizarry
5. Higher Education in Cuba: Its Historical Development — Nora Arrechavaleta Guarton and Elvira Martin Sabina
6. The Historical Development of Higher Education in the Dominican Republic — Baltasar González Camilo
Part II: Contradictions and Tensions in Carrying Out the University Mission
7. On Carrying Out the Social Objectives of the Dominican University — Victor Hugo de Lancer
8. University and Epistemology — Rafael Aragunde
9. Higher Education in Cuba: Democratization and the Role of Women — Maria Isabel Dominguez
10. On the University and Social Justice — Marcos Villamán
11. A View of Higher Education from the Diaspora: Fiscal Crisis or Crisis of Priorities in New York — Ramón Bosque-Pérez
Part III: Public Policy And Higher Education in the Caribbean: Future agendas
12. Higher Education in the Dominican Republic: A New Academic Pact — Ruben Silié
13. Public Policy and Higher Education: An Agenda for the Twenty-First Century from a Cuban Perspective — Elvira Martin Sabina and Jorge González Corona
14. Notes Towards a Research Project on Public Higher Education in Puerto Rico — Carlos Rodriguez-Fraticelli
15. The Challenges and Opportunities Facing Institutions of Higher Education in the Dominican Republic — Josefina Pimentel
16. The Mission, Challenges, and Opportunities for Cuban Institutions of Higher Education — Jose Luis Almuiñas and Juan Francisco Vega Mederos
Conclusions — Silvio Torres-Saillant
About the Contributors
Brief Biography of Co-Authors