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Table of Contents of History and Histories in the Caribbean


I. Colonial History and Its Traps

Sabine Hofmann (Frankfurt am Main)
Rochefort, Du Tertre et le manuscrit volé : La construction d’une histoire coloniale

Wim Hoogbergen (Utrecht)
Palmares: A Critical View on Its Sources

Gad Heuman (Coventry)
The Morant Bay Rebellion: Its Novelists and Historians

II. Another History: Oral and Hidden Discourses

Jean Besson (London)
Empowering and Engendering Hidden Histories in Caribbean Peasant Communities

Barbara Bush (Stoke-on-Trent)
From Slavery to Freedom: Black Women, Cultural Resistance, and Identity in Caribbean Plantation Society

Annedore M. Cruz Benedetti (Berlin)
Ejemplos de la tradición narrativa—transmitida en forma oral—de los afroamericanos en el norte de Colombia

Juliana Stöbele-Gregor (Berlin)
The Fiction of Women’s Power: Discourses on Family and the Role of Women in Fishing Communities of the Ciénaga Grande

Aart G. Boek (Willemstad, Curaçao)
From an Oral Tradition to an Oral Literature: Vicissitudes of Texts in Papiamentu (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao)

III. Literature: Histories and History

Susanne Klengel (Halle)
Ténérife, Martinique—André Breton et l’expérience des îles : un rapprochement herméneutique ?

Wolfgang Binder (Erlangen)
“Un mundo enfermo?” Manuel Zeno Ganía’s La charca and National Puerto Rican Discourse

Susanne Kleinert (Saarbrücken)
The Nightmare of History: Cabrera Infante’s Vista del amanecer en el trópico as Late Modernist Historical Fiction

Helmtrud Rumpf (Berlin)
L’Histoire et les histoires dans le discours littéraire d’Edouard Glissant et de Simone Schwarz-Bart

Kathleen Gyssels (Anvers)
La difficile inscription de/dans l’(H)histoire : le corpus schwarz-bartien

Cornelia Fichtl (München)
Sistren-Jamaica: Women’s Theater for Cultural Decolonization