Accounting for the Environment

In the last five years, accounting for the environment has taken an increasingly central role in shaping discussion within the international accounting profession. Environmental accounting is now seen as an essential element in any organization’s environmental response. This book seeks to answer the question, “What can/should accountants do in response to the developing environmental agenda?” It lays out the best accounting practice with regard to the environment worldwide, and provides ideas for experimentation and future development. This is essential reading for anyone — accountant, manager, student, academic, or the general reader — who requires a basic introduction to these issues.

Rob Gray, professor of accounting and information systems at the University of Dundee, is author of 90 books, articles, and monographs including Corporate Social Reporting: Accounting and Accountability and The Greening of Accountancy.

Jan Bebbington is a lecturer in accounting at the University of Dundee.

Diane Walters is a lecturer in accounting at Heriot-Watt University.