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The Akan People: A Documentary History
Konadu, Kwasi
Subject: Africa, Documentary Readers
The 25-million-strong Akan, a cultural-linguistic group found predominantly in present-day Ghana and to a lesser extent Togo and Ivory Coast, has established a legacy as widely known as its bright kente cloth. From the fourth century on, the Akan created …
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Al-Jabarti’s History of Egypt
Al-Jabarti, Abd al Rahman (edited by Jane Hathaway)
Subject: Africa, Middle East, World History
The multi-volume chronicle of the Cairo scholar Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti (1753-1825), known in Arabic as caja-’ib al-atha-r fi- al-tara-jim wa-al-akhba-r, which translates roughly as The Most Wondrous Achievements: Biographies and Reports of Events, is the single most important primary source …
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Allrightniks Row: “Haunch Paunch and Jowl”
Ornitz, Samuel (introduction by Gabriel Miller)
Subject: World Literature, US History, World History
This turn-of-the-century novel portrays people born in the tenements around Hester Street who fight their way out of the slums to make it to the fashionable Allrightniks Row. Its colorful characters include the narrator of the story, a corrupt judge …
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America in the Eyes of the Germans: An Essay on Anti-Americanism
Diner, Dan (foreword by Sander Gilman; translated by Allison Brown)
Subject: U.S. History, World History
The author presents a short history of a rather complex idea that began around the year 1800. Though the United States was often viewed by the people of Germany as a land of opportunity, a portion of the intelligentsia, with …
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American Policy in Nicaragua: The Lasting Legacy
Stimson, Henry L. (introduction by Paul H. Boeker)
Subject: Latin America, U.S. History
Perhaps the most illuminating document ever published on American foreign policy in Nicaragua, this book represents a full spectrum of critical perspectives. Henry Stimson’s memoirs as a special envoy to Nicaragua, first published in 1927, are reprinted here in their …
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Amistad: A Hidden Network of Slavers and Merchants
Zeuske, Michael (translated by Steven Rendall)
Subject: Slavery, African History, Caribbean History, US History, African History
“This very readable book will be accessible to wide audiences, scholars specialized in slavery and Atlantic studies, and students at all levels. The story moves from the most well-known parts of this history (the Amistad case in popular history), …
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Ancient African Civilizations: Kush and Axum, Third Edition
Burstein, Stanley (editor)
Subject: Africa, World Literature, Archaeology
The first edition of this book provided teachers of African history, for the first time, with fully annotated translations of the most important Greek and Roman sources for the history of these two remarkable ancient African civilizations. The new edition …
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