Angelo Falcón, Gabriel Haslip-Viera, and Félix Matos Rodríguez
1. Building the New York Puerto Rican Community, 1945–1965: A Historical Interpretation
Virginia Sánchez Korrol
Commentary: A Nuyorican’s View of our History and Language(s) in New York, 1945–1965
Ana Celia Zentella
2. The Changing Socioeconomic and Political Fortunes of Puerto Ricans in New York City, 1960-1990
José E. Cruz
Commentary: From Civil Rights to the “Decade of the “Hispanic”: Boricuas in Gotham, 1960–1990
Angelo Falcón
3. Puerto Rican New Yorkers in the 1990s: A Demographic and Socioeconomic Profile
Francisco L. Rivera-Batíz
Commentary: Boricuas in 1990s New York: A Decade of Accomplishments and Disappointments
Gabriel Haslip-Viera
4. De’tras Pa’lante: Explorations on the Future History of Puerto Ricans in New York City
Angelo Falón
Commentary: Forging a New, New York: The Puerto Rican Community, Post-1945
Clara E. Rodríguez
Commentary: A Stronger Puerto Rican New York
Hon. Fernando Ferrer
Appendix: Puerto Ricans in New York: A Historical and Community Development Perspective (1989)
Antonia Pantoja