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Table of Contents of The West and the World: A History of Civilization, Vol. I: From the Ancient World to 1700


Chapter 1 – Men and Women
Chapter 2 – Mothers and Fathers
Chapter 7 – Love and Sex
Chapter 10 – Love and Devotion

Chapter 3 – Cities and Civilization
Chapter 6 – City and State
Chapter 11 – Citizens and Subjects

Chapter 4 – Age and Family
Chapter 5 – Self and Society
Chapter 12 – Ecology and Theology

Chapter 8 – War and Society
Chapter 9 – Violence and Vengeance


Preview of the Period
1. Men and Women: Hunters and Gatherers
The Longest View Of Men and Women
Hunters and Gatherers: Sexual Division of Labor
Goddesses on Earth?
Equality Rather Than any “Archy”: The Lessons of Anthropology
Nisa and the !Kung
North Alaskan Eskimo
The Pygmies of Zaire
2. Mothers and Fathers: Agricultural and Urban Revolutions
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
Women’s Work
Sexuality of Tools?
Catal Huyuk: The Goddess Returns
Earth Mothers and Fertility Goddesses
Neolithic India and the Goddess
Women in Neolithic China and Japan
Women and the Agricultural Revolution
Men’s Place
The Origins of the Patriarchy: Plows and Cities
Fathers and Sons
SkyFathers and Sons
City Skylines
3. Cities and Civilization: Civility and Class
Before There Were Cities
Village to City
The Urban Revolution: Civilization and Class
Civilization: Security and Variety
The “Eye” and “T”
Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilizations: A Tale of Two Rivers
Caste and Class in Asian Civilization
Diversity, Diffusion, and Development of Civilization

Chronological Table of the Ancient World: To 1000 B.C

Preview of the Period
4. Age and Family: Religion and Cultural Change
Are People Living Longer?
Age and Prestige
Chinese Ancestor Worship
Origins of Ancestor Worship in Chinese Feudalism
Confucianism: Xiao, Ren, and Li
Family and State in China
India and the Buddha
Chinese versus Indian Culture
Old Age in India
Salvation Religion
Ancient Judaism
Missionaries and Monasteries
Buddhism in China
Buddhism and Daoism in China
Salvation from Barbarians
Family, Self, and Salvation
5. Self and Society: Communal and Individual Identity
Tribe and Individual
Metals and Medals: Heroic Bronze and Democratic Iron
Socrates and the Self
The Roman Self Possessed: Trimalchio
The Christian Soul Confessed: Augustine
The Self in India
Reincarnation and Atman
Atman Versus Ego
6. City and State: The Indo-European Tradition
Athens: The City-State and the Good Life
Athens: Acropolis, Agora, Amphitheater
The Greek Imperial City: Alexandrian Capitals of Culture
Alexandria: Sights, Seeing, and Spectacles
Alexandria: Spectacles and Spectators
The Roman Imperial City: Caesarian Capital of Power
Rome: Streets, Sleep, and Social Insomnia
Rome: Monumental Engineering and Mass Diversion
The Origins of the Commercial City in India
Caste and Commerce
Religious Reform, Commerce, and Cities
The Mauryan Empire
Mauryan Pataliputra
The Gupta Age
Pataliputra in the Gupta Age
The Indo-European City
7. Love and Sex: Passion and Conquest in Greece, Rome, and India
Greek Loves
Greek Prostitution: Love, Death, and Social Disease
Greek Homosexuality: Ideals and Education
Greek Romance: The Delicious Disease
The Roman Contribution: Love As Sex
Fashionable Romans: Ovid’s Art of War
Old-fashioned Romans: Pliny Loves Calpurnia?
8. War and Society: Empires and Armies in Rome and China
Frontiers, Settlers, and Herders: The Longest War
The Roman Phase of the Longest War: Some Questions
Patrician Response: Republican Constitution and Army
Preserving Inequality with Foreign Land
A Roman Peace for All of Italy
New Frontiers Make New Enemies: Carthage and Greece
The Fruits of Empire at Home
Radical Reform Rejected
Private Armies and Civil War
Empire and Epitaph
China and Rome
Qin China
Former Han Dynasty Reform
Later Han Dynasty Reaction
Third-Century Crisis
Cao Cao and Diocletian
Empires, States, and Landed Estates

Chronological Table of the Classical World 1000 B.C-AD. 500

Preview of the Period
9. Violence and Vengeance: Religion and the State
Children of Attila: The Barbarians
The Barbarians Civilize Themselves
Islam and the Muslims
The Jihad and the Growth of Islam
Succession, Sectarianism, and the Blood of Martyrs
Sunni Centrism
A Christian Dilemma
The Ideal of Chastity
Love and Sex in India
The Kama Sutra
Kalidasa’s Shakuntala
Indian Love and Marriage
Nomads and Knights: Two Ways of Warfare
State Lands and Armies: China and Byzantium
European Knighthood and Feudalism
Trading and Raiding: The Vikings
Praying and Preying: The Crusades
10. Love and Devotion: Chivalry and Sexuality
The Arabs and Greek Philosophy
The Love of the Muslim Sufi
Masking Love of God
Loving Masks of God
Adab and The Dove’s Necklace
Troubadours and Ladies
In the Service of Woman
Courtly Love
The Court of Love
Courting and Cavorting
The Triumph of Romance
A Medieval Indian Alternative: Mystical Eroticism
Polygamy, Sexuality, and Style: A Japanese Alternative
11. Citizens and Subjects: City and State
City and Country: China and Europe
Changan: Subjects and Citizens
Kaifeng: Commerce and Civil Servants
Hangzhou: Migrants, Merchants, and Mandarins
Islam and Cities
The Revival of Cities in the West: The Commune
Late Medieval and Renaissance Cities: Pageantry and Participation
The Renaissance City: A School ofArt
The Renaissance City: The Lessons of Venice
The City Since Community: The Baroque and the Broken
12. Ecology and Theology: Religion and Science
The Responsibility of the Judeo-Christian Tradition
Alternate Visions: Polytheism and Animism
Native American Environmental Religions
Alternate Visions: Eastern Religions
Ideals Versus Behavior?
The Responsibility of the Western Scientific Revolution
The World As Garment or Stage: Galileo
Science, Science, Everywhere
Science and Ecology

Chronological Table of the Traditional World: 5-1500

Centers of Domestication
The Spread of Civilization
The Ancient Middle East
Sumerian Ur: The Walled City and Opened Life
Egyptian Akhetaton: Open Spaces and Imperial Order
The Spread of Religions
Athens, c. Fifth Century B.C.
Alexandria Under the Ptolemies
Imperial Rome
Roman Expansion
The Barbarian Invasions of Europe, Fourth to Sixth Centuries A.D.
The Expansion of Islam A.D. 632-936
The Expansion of the Vikings, Eighth to Eleventh Centuries A.D.
The Crusades and the Weakening of Byzantium, 1096-1204
Tang China and Changan A.D. 700
Islamic Cities and Afro-Eurasian Unity
The States of Italy 1494