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Table of Contents of Islamism in Morocco: Religion, Authoritarianism, and Electoral Politics

A Note on Transliteration and Spelling


Part I. The Monarchy, the ‘Ulama, and Islam

Chapter 1: ‘Ulama and Power in Independent Morocco
Chapter 2: The Monarchy, Mirror of a Fragmented Religious Sphere
Chapter 3: Conservative Nationalism and Islam

Part II. A Rebel Mystic: Abdessalam Yassine

Chapter 4: The “Conversion” of Sheikh Yassine
Chapter 5: Styles and Figures of Admonition
Chapter 6: Justice and Benevolence: Between Mystic Community and Political Leadership

Part III. The Desacralization of the Monarchy?

Chapter 7: The Moroccan Political Regime Confronts Islamic Opposition: From Exclusion to Partial Inclusion
Chapter 8: Theology and Politics: Differentiated Repertoires
Chapter 9: The Commander of the Faithful and His Religious Competitors
Chapter 10: Redefining the Institution of the Commander of the Faithful

Epilogue: The Disenchantments of Free Choice
