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Table of Contents of Leo Frobenius on African History, Art, and Culture: An Anthology

Foreword by Léopold Sédar Senghor

On the Method of Studying African Cultural History
1. The “Atlas Africanus”
2. Discussion of the Method of Cultural History
3. On the Morphological Method of Studying Cultures
4. The Nature of Culture

African Art
5. Reflections on African Art
6. Rock Art of the Saharan Atlas
7. Rock Art of the Fezzan
8. Rock Art of South Africa

African Cultures
9. African Hunters: The Mahalbi Culture
10. African Hunters: Bushmen and Hunting Spirits
11. The Civilization of the Kabyls
12. Tales from the Sudan
13. The Religion of the Yoruba
14. Zimbabwe and the Wahungwe Civilization

Editor’s Postscript
Main Works of Leo Frobenius
Works on Leo Frobenius