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Table of Contents of East Africa and the Indian Ocean

Part I. The Western Indian Ocean
Chapter 1. Gujarat and the Trade of East Africa, c. 1500-1800
Chapter 2. The Western Indian Ocean as a Regional Food Network in the Nineteenth Century
Chapter 3. Indian Ocean Africa: The Island Factor

Part II. Coastal Eastern Africa
Chapter 4. Muqdisho in the Nineteenth Century: A Regional Perspective
Chapter 5. Futa Benaadir: Continuity and Change in the Traditional Cotton Textile Industry of Southern Somalia, c. 1840-1980
Chapter 6. “Ordinary Household Chores”: Ritual and Power in a Nineteenth-Century Swahili Women’s Spirit Possession Cult

Part III. The Mozambique Channel
Chapter 7. Madagascar and Mozambique in the Nineteenth Century: The Era of the Sakalava Raids (1800-1820)
Chapter 8. A Complex Relationship: Mozambique and the Comoro Islands in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Chapter 9. Littoral Society in the Mozambique Channel
