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Table of Contents of The Dominican People: A Documentary History


Chapter 1 — Europe and America Meet in Hispaniola
1. On the Brink of Discovery
2. Columbus in a New World
3. The News Reach Europe
4. Columbus Returns
5. The Island of La Española
6. The Taínos

Chapter 2 — The Forgotten Colony
1. A Colony of Exploitation
2. The Decline of the Taínos
3. Enriquillo, the Last Cacique
4. A Fleeting Sugar Boom
5. Hispaniola by the Mid-Sixteenth Century
6. The Devastation of the Colony

Chapter 3 — Shifting Colonial Masters
1. Fighting Spain’s Enemies
2. Fighting the Maroons
3. Class, Color, and Gender in the Colony
4. A Foreign Portrait of a Poor Colony
5. A Local Portrait of a Poor Colony
6. The Island Divided
7. The Island Ceded
8. The Slaves Rebel
9. Toussaint Louverture Takes Over
10. Jean-Jacques Dessalines Attacks
11. Ephemeral Independence
12. The Haitian Annexation

Chapter 4 — Endangered Independence
1. A Declaration of Independence
2. Independence, Government, and National Defense
3. Fighting for Spoils
4. Spanish Colony for a Third Time
5. The Restoration of the Republic
6. The Restoration War
7. Statehood for the Dominican Republic
8. A Nineteenth-Century Snapshot of the Country and Its People
9. The Colors of Nineteenth-Century Dominican Politics
10. Tobacco and the Cibao
11. King Sugar
12. Ulises Heureaux, The Ultimate Caudillo
13. A Nation for Sale

Chapter 5 — The United States Intervenes
1. Ramón Cáceres
2. The Loss of Economic Sovereignty
3. Attracting Foreign Investment
4. The United States Lands the Marines
5. The Dark Side of the Occupation
6. The Dominican Constabulary
7. A Dominican’s Assessment of the U.S. Military Occupation
8. The American Sugar Kingdom
9. The Hughes-Peynado Plan
10. Haiti and a New Border Treaty
11. The 1930 “Revolution”

Chapter 6 — The Trujillo Dictatorship
1. The Making of a Dictatorship
2. Trujillo’s Megalomania
3. The 1937 Massacre
4. Ideological Justifications
5. Economic “Sovereignty” Restored
6. Trujillo’s Fortune
7. Macho Politics
8. Political Repression
9. The Anti-Trujillo Exiles
10. The Catholic Church Takes Action
11. The End of the Dictator

Chapter 7 — The Politics of Instability
1. The Decline of the Trujillos
2. Balaguer Tries to Hold On
3. Free Elections
4. A Feeble Democracy
5. The Coup d’Etat
6. The People Take to the Streets
7. Another U.S. Military Intervention
8. The Constitutionalist Perspective
9. Peace Restored
10. The 1966 Elections

Chapter 8 — Contemporary Politics
1. Balaguer’s Twelve Years
2. Threats from the Right
3. Caamaño Returns
4. The Radicalization of Juan Bosch
5. The 1978 Elections
6. Democratization
7. The “Lost Decade”
8. A “Gentlemen’s Agreement”
9. Race and Politics