By Title
Harem Ghosts: What One Cemetery Can Tell Us About the Ottoman Empire
Brookes, Douglas Scott, Ziyrek Ali
Subject: Middle East, Ottoman Empire
“Since 1840 countless visitors to Turkey’s metropolis have passed this beautiful building and its garden graveyard without, it seems to me, realizing the gems of architecture and culture that await discovery within its dignified walls. Now, over a century-and-a-half after …
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Hildegard of Bingen: Healing and the Nature of the Cosmos
Schipperges, Heinrich (translated by John A. Broadwin)
Subject: Europe, Religion
Hildegard of Bingen’s contemporaries called her “prophetissa teutonica,” honoring her philosophical writings and interpretation of the cosmos. Medievalists still consider her one of the leading mystics, and point to her active spiritual and artistic life in the twelfth century as …
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Historical Perspectives on Puerto Rican Survival in the United States
Rodriguez, Clara E. and Virginia Sánchez Korrol, editors
Subject: Caribbean, U.S. History
This collection was originally developed as an interdisciplinary reader for Puerto Rican Studies courses under the title The Puerto Rican Struggle: Essays on Survival in the U.S. It is being reissued with updated commentary because of its continuing relevance to …
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History and Histories in the Caribbean
Bremer, Thomas and Ulrich Fleischmann, editors
Subject: Caribbean
A collection of interdisciplinary essays highlighting the historiographical skepticism that characterizes postmodernist approaches and addressing particular problems related to colonial history and its source material. The topics covered are Colonial History and its traps, Oral History and Hidden Discourses, and …
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The History of a Slave
Johnston, H. H. (edited by Paul E. Lovejoy)
Subject: Africa, History of Slavery
In 1889, the British colonial official Sir Harry Johnston published The History of a Slave, a story of an archetypal slave based on Johnston’s extensive knowledge of North and West Africa from his travels there. The tale follows the fictitious …
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The History of Islamic Theology
Nagel, Tilman (translated by Thomas Thornton)
Subject: Middle East, Religion
The book presents Muslim beliefs about God’s relationship to humans by drawing on relevant Islamic sources from Muhammad to modern times. In connection with the social and political history of Islam, the reader is introduced to the central ideas and …
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A History of Madagascar
Brown, Mervyn
Subject: Africa
Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. It is a unique blend of Asian and African culture and is well known as the home of some of the world’s most unusual and most endangered flora and fauna, from …
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History of Puerto Rico: A Panorama of Its People
Picó, Fernando
Subject: Caribbean
Updated and Expanded
Outstanding Academic Book of the Year, CHOICE Magazine
One of Puerto Rico’s leading historians, Fernando Picó has had tremendous influence over our currect understanding of Puerto Rican society. Here, he examines the ways in …
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The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks
Çelebi, Kâtip (edited by Svatopluk Soucek)
Subject: Middle East, World History
The book at its simplest level is fast-moving adventure story.The book at its simplest level is fast-moving adventure story. It is a breathtaking lesson in the geography and history of that period in which the Ottoman Turks swept past …
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History of the Middle East
Halm, Heinz, Suraiya Faroqhi, Monika Gronke
Subject: Middle Eastern History, Textbook
The Arabs: A Short History by Heinz Halm
The Ottoman Empire: A Short History by Suraiya Faroqhi
Iran:A Short History by Monika Gronke
Now combined into a single volume, these three brief history texts provide a concise and eye-opening …
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History: The Last Things Before The Last
Kracauer, Siegried , Kristeller, Paul Oskar
Subject: European History
“The late Siegfried Kracauer was best known as a historian and critic of the cinema. His main intellectual preoccupation during the last years of his life was the relation between past and present, and the relation between histories in different …
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Human Drama Series, Volumes I through IV
Johnson, Jean and Donald Johnson
Subject: Text Books, World History
In this four-part series, the authors present the development of humankind across cultures and economies, in a global manner from ancient times on, as a gigantic drama played out with the cradles of civilization as the stage. The past involves …
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