By Title
Accounting for the Environment
Gray, Rob, Jan Bebbington, and Diane Walters (edited by Martin Houldin)
Subject: Accounting
In the last five years, accounting for the environment has taken an increasingly central role in shaping discussion within the international accounting profession. Environmental accounting is now seen as an essential element in any organization’s environmental response. This book …
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Accounting Research Directory: The Database of Accounting Literature
Brown, Lawrence D., John C. Gardner and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi
Subject: Accounting and Artificial Intelligence
The third edition of the Accounting Research Directory now includes citations from a new journal, Contemporary Accounting Research. Also provided are 30 years (1963-1993) of citations from the six leading accounting journals previously covered. The new directory is significantly …
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Africa: A Short History
Collins, Robert O.
Subject: Africa, Textbook
This is a concise but sweeping account of the African past, its peoples, and their institutions. The book attempts to provide an overview of African history without getting bogged down in details and data. This approach is very useful for …
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The African Diaspora in the Mediterranean Lands of Islam
Hunwick, John and Eve Troutt Powell, editors
Subject: Africa, Middle East, History of Slavery
For every gallon of ink that has been spilt on the trans-Atlantic slave trade and its consequences, only one very small drop has been spent on the study of the forced migration of black Africans into the Mediterranean world of …
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The African Experience in Spanish America
Rout, Leslie, Jr.
Subject: Africa, Latin America, History of Slavery
This pioneering book, a founding text of African diaspora studies, continues to hold a prominent place in any bibliography of its field and remains the only general history on the people of African descent in the Spanish-speaking nations of …
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African Geopolitics
Hugon, Philippe (translated by Steve Randall)
Subject: Africa, Colonial, World History
For over a thousand years, foreign powers, including the Arabs, Portuguese, Spanish, British, French, and now Chinese, interfered in African affairs to pursue economic and political gains. In a similar way, African rulers exploited this foreign presence for their own …
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African History in Documents, Vol. I: Western African History
Collins, Robert O., editor
Subject: Africa, Documentary Readers
This volume covers five hundred years of history, beginning with the writings of travelers Ibn Battuta, Leo Africanus, Mungo Park, Heinrich Barth, René Caillé, and Mary Kingsley, as well as many others. Religious wars are described by chroniclers such as …
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African History in Documents, Vol. II: Eastern African History
Collins, Robert O., editor
Subject: Africa, Documentary Readers
This volume covers three thousand years of African history beginning with reports about the ancient kingdoms of Ethiopia and Kush; ancient and medieval trade routes, including China’s discovery of Africa; the history of the east coast; the Nilotic slave trade; …
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African Identity in Asia: Cultural Effects of Forced Migration
Jayasuriya, Shihan de Silva
Subject: Africa, Asia, History of Slavery
In contrast to the dispersion of slaves across the Atlantic, African movement to Asia has received scant attention because forced migrations across the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, which endured for centuries, were not part of a significant economic network.
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African Sites Archaeology in the Caribbean
Haviser, Jay B.
Subject: Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, Archaeology
This book examines archaeological research about African peoples who were brought to the Caribbean, as well as their descendants in the twentieth century. These contributions cover a wide geographic sample of regions and range from Caribbean studies to individual investigations …
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African Women: A Historical Panorama
Romero, Patricia W.
Subject: African History, Women's History, Textbook
African women have made history as doctors, merchants, slaves, prostitutes, and religious leaders. In this survey of the roles women have played in sub-Saharan Africa, from the Queen of Sheba in Ethiopia to the elected presidents of contemporary Liberia and …
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Afro-Cuban Myths: Yemaya and Other Orishas
Lachatañeré, Romulo (translated by Christine Ayorinde; illustrated by Siegfried Kaden; introduction by Jorge Castellanos)
Subject: Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, World Literature
A moving collection of myths and tales, Afro-Cuban Myths was first published in 1938 under the title Oh, Mío Yemayá! These stories lead readers into a marvelous and magical world: the extraordinary imaginations of Afro-Cubans. Destined to become a classic …
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Afro-Cuban Religions
Barnet, Miguel (translated by Christine Ayorinde; illustrated by Siegfried Kaden)
Subject: Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, Religion
African cults and religions enrich all aspects of Cuba’s social, cultural, and everyday life and encompass all ethnic and social groups. Politics, art, and civil events such as weddings, funerals, festivals, and carnivals all possess distinctly Afro-Cuban characteristics. Miguel Barnet …
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Age of the Caliphs: A History of the Muslim World
Spuler, Bertold
Subject: Middle East, Religion
“In this concise history of the Muslim countries [which begins with Rome, Persia, and the pre-Islamic Bedouins and ends with the fall of Bagdad to the Mongols in 1258], Spuler has provided the educated reader with a reliable presentation. The …
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The Akan People: A Documentary History
Konadu, Kwasi
Subject: Africa, Documentary Readers
The 25-million-strong Akan, a cultural-linguistic group found predominantly in present-day Ghana and to a lesser extent Togo and Ivory Coast, has established a legacy as widely known as its bright kente cloth. From the fourth century on, the Akan created …
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Al-Jabarti’s History of Egypt
Al-Jabarti, Abd al Rahman (edited by Jane Hathaway)
Subject: Africa, Middle East, World History
The multi-volume chronicle of the Cairo scholar Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti (1753-1825), known in Arabic as caja-’ib al-atha-r fi- al-tara-jim wa-al-akhba-r, which translates roughly as The Most Wondrous Achievements: Biographies and Reports of Events, is the single most important primary source …
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Allrightniks Row: “Haunch Paunch and Jowl”
Ornitz, Samuel (introduction by Gabriel Miller)
Subject: World Literature, US History, World History
This turn-of-the-century novel portrays people born in the tenements around Hester Street who fight their way out of the slums to make it to the fashionable Allrightniks Row. Its colorful characters include the narrator of the story, a corrupt judge …
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America in the Eyes of the Germans: An Essay on Anti-Americanism
Diner, Dan (foreword by Sander Gilman; translated by Allison Brown)
Subject: U.S. History, World History
The author presents a short history of a rather complex idea that began around the year 1800. Though the United States was often viewed by the people of Germany as a land of opportunity, a portion of the intelligentsia, with …
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American Policy in Nicaragua: The Lasting Legacy
Stimson, Henry L. (introduction by Paul H. Boeker)
Subject: Latin America, U.S. History
Perhaps the most illuminating document ever published on American foreign policy in Nicaragua, this book represents a full spectrum of critical perspectives. Henry Stimson’s memoirs as a special envoy to Nicaragua, first published in 1927, are reprinted here in their …
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Amistad: A Hidden Network of Slavers and Merchants
Zeuske, Michael (translated by Steven Rendall)
Subject: Slavery, African History, Caribbean History, US History, African History
“This very readable book will be accessible to wide audiences, scholars specialized in slavery and Atlantic studies, and students at all levels. The story moves from the most well-known parts of this history (the Amistad case in popular history), …
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Ancient African Civilizations: Kush and Axum, Third Edition
Burstein, Stanley (editor)
Subject: Africa, World Literature, Archaeology
The first edition of this book provided teachers of African history, for the first time, with fully annotated translations of the most important Greek and Roman sources for the history of these two remarkable ancient African civilizations. The new edition …
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Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology
Finley, Sir Moses I. (edited by Brent Shaw)
Subject: Europe, World History, History of Slavery, Latin America
Slaves have been exploited in most societies throughout human history. There have, however, been only five genuine slave societies, and of these, two were in antiquity: classical Greece and classical Italy. Here distinguished historian Sir Moses Finley examines those two …
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Ancient South Arabia: From the Queen of Sheba to the Advent of Islam
Schippman, Klaus (translated by Allison Brown)
Subject: Middle East, Archaeology,Relion
At a crossroads between Africa, Asia, and Europe, the South Arabian kingdoms were major commercial and cultural players in world history. Their art and architecture, and especially their irrigation system, featuring a gigantic dam high in the mountains, give witness …
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Annotated Index of Medieval Women
Williams, Marty and Anne Echols
Subject: World History
This is the most exhaustive bibliography in the field, compiled by two librarians who are also trained historians. Over 1,500 women who lived between 800 and 1500 C.E. are listed alphabetically, and details on nationality and brief summaries of …
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Anti-Americanism in the Islamic World
Faath, Sigrid
Subject: Middle East, Religion, U.S. History
Anti-Americanism is a far from homogenous phenomenon — even in the Islamic world, where the press would sometimes want to convince us that a near-unanimous hostility to the United States exists. This book, by dint of on-the-ground research into Muslim …
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The Arabs: A Short History
Halm, Heinz
Subject: Middle East
The history of Arabia is inextricably tied to the history of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad came from Arabia, and the most important religious centers for Muslims are located in the Arab cities of Mecca and Medina. However, Arabs already had …
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Arabs: A Short History with Documents
Halm, Heinz (edited by Luke Yarbrough and Oded Zinger; translated by Allison Brown and Tom Lampert)
Subject: Middle East
Heinz Halm is an internationally renowned scholar of the Middle East, whose books, including The Shiites: A Short History and The Arabs: A Short History, have been translated into many languages. The Arabs, Heinz Halm’s masterful narrative, is now available …
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Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing
Vasarhelyi, Miklos A., Enrique Bonson, Rani Hoitash, Alexander Kogan, and Dan O'Leary
Subject: Accounting
Over two-thirds of these articles have never been published previously; others have been updated or expanded since they were first published. They highlight current use of artificial intelligence in industry, databases in auditing, and artificial intelligence in public accounting firms, …
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Aspects of Avicenna
Wisnovsky, Robert, editor
Subject: Middle East, Religion, World Literature
The philosopher and physician Abû ‘Alî al-Husayn ibn ‘Abdallâh ibn Sînâ (d. 1037 c.e.), known in the West by his Latinized name Avicenna, was one of the most influential thinkers of the Islamic and European Middle Ages. Yet for a …
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