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Table of Contents of Holy City of the Nile

Preface and Acknowledgments
Maps of Omdurman

Chapter One: Towns in the Sudan

Chapter Two: The Creation of a City
The Rise of Omdurman
The Peopling of the City
The Population of Omdurman

Chapter Three: Governing the Mahdı’s City
Authorities and Structures
The Khalıfa, Yaqüb and the Anßār
Institutions and Omdurman Society
Issues of Health and Safety

Chapter Four: The Mahdist Social Order and Omdurman
Towards an Ideal Society
The Khalıfa between Ideal and Reality
The Bayt al-Māl and the Social Order

Chapter Five: Social Relations in the Mahdı’s City
Settlement Patterns
Economic Activities
The Integration of the Elite
A Society in Transition

Chapter Six: The Omdurman Experience

Appendix: Informants to the Study