Removing a Badge of Slavery: The Record of Brown v. Board of Education

This compelling collection lets the reader come to grips with the fascinating record of a case in which facts have made a more thrilling story than fiction. The suit involved civil rights giants Thurgood Marshall and the leaders of the NAACP. Their goals were lofty; not content with merely improving the conditions for black children in a single school district, they chose to fight for an end to all segregation. They mapped out a careful strategy as early as 1939, picking the most promising cases, achieving lower court decisions, and finally combining the five cases for the countdown to Brown before the Supreme Court.

The book contains a general introduction and extensive commentary. But it attempts for the most part to let the majestic record of Brown speak for itself.

Mark Whitman is a professor of history at Towson State University. Having dedicated much of his career to civil rights history and the Brown case, he is also the editor of Brown v. Board of Education: A Documentary History and The Irony of Desegregation Law 1955-1995: Essays and Documents (both available from Markus Wiener).