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Table of Contents of Taíno Revival: Critical Perspectives on Puerto Rican Identity and Cultural Politics

1. Introduction. Competing Identities: Taíno Revivalism and Other Ethno-Racial Identity Movements Among Puerto Ricans and Other Caribbean Latinos in the United States, 1980-present — Gabriel Haslip-Viera
2. Local/Diasporic Taínos: Towards a Cultural Politics of Memory, Reality and Imagery — Arlene Davila
3. Making Indians Out of Blacks: The Revitalization of Taíno Identity in Contemporary Puerto Rico — Jorge Duany
4. What’s In a Name, an Indian Name? — Peter Roberts
5. The Indians are coming! The Indians are coming!: The Taíno and Puerto Rican Identity — Miriam Jimenez Roman
6. Rethinking Taíno: A Taíno Perspective — Roberto Mucaro Borrero