Dr. Moritz (Don Mauricio) Hochschild, 1881–1965: A German Jewish Mining Entrepreneur in South America

The colorful life and activities of Dr. Moritz Hochschild in Latin America between 1911 and 1965 are the center of the first biography of the man, an important mining entrepreneur and ore buyer, and his companies. Moritz Hochschild became one of the infamous “tin barons” of Bolivia and some people called him the “genius of evil;” other recognized his significant contributions to the industrial development of South America as an innovator of the mining industries in Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil.


Helmut Waszkis, author, teaches at the Freie Universität, Berlin.

Heinrich Schipperges, editor (University of Heidelberg), an internationally acclaimed expert on the history of medicine, has written several books on Hildegaard von Bingen.